newsAugust 30, 2024
Marble Hill Mayor Trey Wiginton, hospitalized since August 20, updates the community on his recovery, thanks supporters, and provides contact details for city matters in a Facebook post
Daniel Winningham
Marble Hill Mayor Trey Wiginton
Marble Hill Mayor Trey WigintonSubmitted

Marble Hill Mayor Trey Wiginton, who has spent some time in a local hospital of late, gave an update on his condition Thursday, Aug. 29.

In the six-paragraph statement, he thanked the community for the prayers, love and support over the past several days.

His complete statement:

“Good Afternoon Community,

I first want to say, thank you! My family and I so appreciate your prayers, love, and support during this time.

As many of you know, Tuesday, August 20, 2024 — I had an unexpected medical emergency that has included two surgeries and an extended stay in the hospital. Today, I am doing much better, but remain in the hospital and am not certain when I will be coming home.

During this time and until I am able to be back in the office, I request that all non-emergency calls and concerns regarding the City of Marble Hill be directed to Marble Hill City Hall, (573) 238-3622; Mayor Pro-tem/Alderman Tim McCain, (573) 238-3622; or the Marble Hill city attorney, (573) 471-0600. If you have an emergency and you are in need of emergency services, please call 911 or the Bollinger County Sheriff's Department at (573) 238-2633.

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... I am so thankful for my wife, my kids and my new son-in-law, and I am very thankful for the love our community has shown them this past week. Thank you.

I will leave you with, as this is true motivation for my family and I., ‘We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.’ Romans 5:3

God Bless,

Mayor Trey Wiginton

City of Marble Hill, MO.”

This is the first public statement on Wiginton’s condition since his wife, Becky Wiginton, posted a message to social media Thursday, Aug. 22, two days after his medical ordeal began.

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