sportsDecember 22, 2006
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Hunters shot a record number of deer in Missouri this year. The Missouri Department of Conservation said Thursday that firearms hunters killed 280,856 deer in 2006 -- beating the record set in 2004 by 5,527 deer. The figures include deer shot during the traditional November season, as well as those killed in special seasons for antlerless deer, hunters using muzzleloaders, youth hunters and people hunting in urban areas...
The Associated Press

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Hunters shot a record number of deer in Missouri this year.

The Missouri Department of Conservation said Thursday that firearms hunters killed 280,856 deer in 2006 -- beating the record set in 2004 by 5,527 deer.

The figures include deer shot during the traditional November season, as well as those killed in special seasons for antlerless deer, hunters using muzzleloaders, youth hunters and people hunting in urban areas.

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The total number of deer killed will not be known until the archery season ends Jan. 15. As of Dec. 13, bow hunters had killed about 38,000 deer this year, the department said.

Lonnie Hansen, who supervises Missouri's deer-management program, said good weather and deer numbers contributed to the record firearms deer kill.

"We went into this year with a very strong deer population, thanks to the lower-than-normal doe harvest last year," he said.

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