otherApril 4, 2024
While you’re grabbing safety glasses for the upcoming solar eclipse, it’s also important to think about your pets’ safety. Since total solar eclipses are such a rare occurrence, there is not a lot of scientific-based evidence to state exactly how our pets might react, if they react at all. However, we can watch for certain behaviors and be ready to respond if needed...
By: Loni Patke, DVM, Cape Small Animal Clinic and Bootheel Animal Clinic
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While you’re grabbing safety glasses for the upcoming solar eclipse, it’s also important to think about your pets’ safety. Since total solar eclipses are such a rare occurrence, there is not a lot of scientific-based evidence to state exactly how our pets might react, if they react at all. However, we can watch for certain behaviors and be ready to respond if needed.

Like thunderstorms, fireworks and yes, even vet visits, a solar eclipse could stir up anxiety in your cat or dog. Pet owners should watch for increased panting, scratching, hiding, and pacing back and forth. Cats and dogs might also seek comfort from their owners or favorite objects.

Often, animals thrive on a daily routine and follow circadian rhythms. A solar eclipse can cause a disruption to that routine, due to the sudden darkness abruptly occurring during the middle of day. If the solar eclipse throws your pet into its nighttime routine, you might notice them going to bed earlier, yawning or stretching. Some dogs might howl when it suddenly becomes dark.

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If you are planning to take your pet outside with you to view the eclipse, please keep a few things in mind. Right now, evidence shows pets do not need to wear special solar eclipse glasses themselves, like people do. Still, it is not a good idea to tell your pet to look at the sun; we do not recommend pets staring directly at the eclipse.

We encourage pet owners to keep dogs away from crowds during this special occurrence in history. The built-up excitement before the eclipse can trigger anxiety. The temperature outside may also drop temporarily, which could make dogs confused and behave strangely. We feel the safest place for pets during an eclipse is indoors. If the pet must be outdoors, please make sure they are on a leash or in a fenced area.

There is no reason to fear the solar eclipse causing major problems for our pets. Pet owners should simply be mindful of extra care or emotional support pets might need in this historical, yet potentially confusing, time for them.

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