opinionJuly 11, 2024
Republicans must reconsider their nominee after Trump's debate performance, which showcased a troubling disregard for truth and responsibility. Biden, despite setbacks, remains committed to American values and policies.

I demand that Republicans immediately replace former President Donald Trump as their nominee for president due to his astonishingly anti-American performance at the debate.

President Joe Biden had a bad night. Former President Trump had a terrible night promoting his usual disgusting, darkness-in-America, twisted version of reality.

In the aftermath, Biden showed his true, uniquely American character by getting back up to fight again.

Trump, too, showed his true character as he doubled down on his tirade of lies, gross exaggerations, and constant hyperbole. He stole credit for things he did not do, denied responsibility for the terrible things he did do, and blamed others for his legal troubles which he so clearly brought upon himself.

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There is no hiding the fact that Donald Trump is a professional conman, a treasonous traitor, a convicted felon, an unrepentant narcissist, and a sexual abuser who proudly slept with a porn star while his wife was pregnant! Does this behavior represent Republican ideals?

Joe Biden is the only candidate with a plan for fighting for women’s rights, fighting for working families including student-debt relief, fighting climate change and embracing alternative energy, fighting for meaningful compromise, and leading the international community.

If Biden does not finish his term, his administration lives on to carry out the plan. A second Trump administration returns us to constant chaos. Should Trump not finish his term he will literally leave an administration filled with intolerant, bootlicking, ring-kissing hucksters, thieves, and traitors.

ANDY LEIGHTON, Cape Girardeau

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