opinionSeptember 8, 2024
A survivor's plea: Cape Girardeau must unite to end the epidemic of gun violence. With over 120 Americans killed by firearms daily, common-sense laws and community action are essential to save lives.

As a survivor of domestic and firearms violence I am truly disappointed and sad that another shooting has happened in Cape Girardeau. This has got to stop. Too many people have lost their lives to senseless gun violence.

More than 120 Americans are shot and killed every day. We must hold people accountable for their actions. We must come together in the community of Cape Girardeau and work together to end this pandemic of senseless gun violence that continues to happen every single day and tears apart families friends and communities we live.

I'm at a loss for words right now because of the violence that continues to rip apart our community. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for teens between the ages of 17-24. The gun homicide rate in the U.S is 26 times higher than that of other developed countries, but research shows that common sense public safety laws can reduce gun violence and save lives.

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Fifty-nine percent of adults or someone they know or care about has experienced gun violence in their lifetime. Gun Violence occurs in marginalized communities of color more than in white communities.

It is truly disheartening that this has become the norm in Cape Girardeau. Gun violence can leave an indelible impact on individuals in any form. We really need to work on some way to ensure that gun violence in our community stops. I can't do it alone. I need the help of the community.


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