opinionJuly 22, 2024
Republican VP pick J.D. Vance faces criticism from Biden Administration over experience. Meanwhile, debates rage over political mail, presidential age, Trump case dismissal, and Cape Rock maintenance.

A chance with Vance

After J.D. Vance was officially named the vice president nominee of the Republican Party, the Biden Administration said he lacked the experience for the job. What a statement coming from a party that has Kamala Harris as a vice president, three years in and she still has no experience because she has not done anything. Let's not forget Barrack Obama was a community organizer and then a first-term senator with no experience, but after eight years of his presidency, the United States had quite an experience, all of which was bad. Vote Trump-Vance and give The United States a chance.

Political mail

The best thing about the flood of political mailings? If anyone bothers to look, every one of these Republicans lies non-stop. BTW, if you vote for some state-level senator because you think they can do anything about the federal borders I have a bridge to sell you. Grifters!

Where's the grotto?

I was a student at St. Vincent’s College (The Cape) 1954/1956). Students there helped Father Collier build the Blessed Mother’s grotto. Red granite stones were hauled by truck from a quarry north of the school. We helped mix mortar and carry pieces of granite so Father could fit each stone in place. I would like to know what happened to the grotto. I have a piece of granite from the grotto I have kept for all these years.

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Presidential age

I'm growing a bit weary of hearing folks complain that Trump and Biden are too old. In some cultures, including among indigenous Native Americans, the most senior people are the ones entrusted with decision-making. Sure, they use handrails on steps. They get names and places confused. So what? Give me someone who has made dozens of trips around the sun. That's what we've got on the November ballot, and I'm glad.

Trump case

The judge in Florida who dismissed the case against Donald J. Trump for hiding the documents, stealing the documents, exposing the classified documents to the eyes of anyone visiting his "club" is a hack. She has denied the citizens of the United States a fair trial to hear the issues and make decisions before the next election. The American people deserved better than this miscarriage of justice. And an innocent man would have stood up in front of the court and demanded he be exonerated. Instead, his minions scurry off into the darkness, like the rats they are.

Cape Rock

If the city does not trim the trees and overgrowth at Cape Rock lookout point soon, no one is going to be able to see the river. It was on jeopardy that our Cape Rock is the only "Cape" in the United States that comes out into any river.

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