opinionJuly 10, 2024
Trump’s fear of Michelle Obama, a controversial police chief, and GOP turmoil in Missouri: Dive into the heated debates and accusations shaping the current political landscape.

Michelle Obama

And now we know who terrifies Trump more than anyone — it’s Michelle Obama! Trump went after her in his first speech after the debate because he knows there will be a strong case for her to get into the race if Biden bows out. Michelle Obama would mop the floor with Trump’s substantial rear end if she is the Democratic nominee and he knows it!

Police Chief

A Southeast Missourian headline indicates that our current police chief will leave behind a legacy of community engagement. That could not be further from the truth. Instead, Blair has communicated infrequently with the public and, when he does, he offers vague generalities in a news release. Citizens complain frequently about his lack of news conferences, updates on situations, etc., and their complaints are completely justified. Also, he has not communicated well with his troops or with their organizations. That is also a matter of record. Blair has been a disappointment at best, and it is far past time for him to leave.

No more Obama

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We do NOT need four more years of Obama! He set the stage for the shape our country is in now and he has been running things for years while Biden continues to mentally decline. Having Michelle Obama in office would be the death of this country! The only thing she did while Barry was in office was screw up the public school lunch system! That gives her a lot of experience running this great country and standing up to communist countries. If this is the best the Democratic Party has, they are in BIG trouble!


The Republican Party rejected 54 Missouri delegates to the national convention due to improprieties. Seems that the Missouri Republican Party is a mess even by national standards.

A lust for power

People are accusing Donald Trump of lying during the presidential debate, what about Biden. Since the debate he has lied multiple times about his poor performance. He has said he was tired from excessive travel, a lie. He said he had a cold, a lie. He said he nearly fell asleep, a lie, he was never actually cognizant during the debate. Biden would not know the truth if it bit him, and his wife and family should be charged with elder abuse, for their lust for power.

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