opinionJune 22, 2024
Capahas baseball team shuts down after 130 years, leaving a legacy of community and camaraderie. Meanwhile, Trump delivers a bizarre rant, and MLB pays tribute to Negro League legends at Rickwood Field.

Capahas baseball

I just noticed that the Capahas baseball team has shut down after 130 years. What a sad day for the locals. I played for Jess my last year after 13 years playing in the Bi-State League and that year the players we had would have beat up on anyone — and we did. Jess and his wife Mary welcomed me when I approached them to play for the team. What a classy pair M and J were. I often wish I could've played more years, but my job would not allow it. Thank you, Jess and my teammates. It was fun.

Trump rant

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Possibly the most off-topic rant I’ve heard from a presidential candidate was Trump’s bizarre and nonsensical rant about electric boats, batteries and sharks in the water. Did that have anything to do with the economy or gun safety or immigration reform or anything that had to do with problems here on planet Earth?

Well done, baseball

Credit to Major League Baseball, the Cardinals and Giants on a fun game and inspiring ceremony Thursday night at Rickwood Field celebrating the life of the late Willie Mays and all the tremendous Negro League players. Gave me chills to watch the opening ceremonies. Hopefully, Major League Baseball makes this game an annual tradition to celebrate the immense history of the Negro Leagues and all the talented players.

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