opinionJuly 18, 2024
In a call for bold leadership, Linda Reutzel urges voters to back disruptors like Trump, Eigel and Turner. She argues that only courageous leaders can tackle corruption, greed and moral decline in troubling times.

I heard this song a few days ago, "Wondering Where the Lions Are," and it got me thinking about our need for lions right about now. They don't seem as scary as they did before.

When President Biden reversed Trump's border security measures and chaos ensued, where were the lions?

When pornographic materials were found in our public and school libraries — where were the lions?

When voter irregularities were found in key state's elections — where were the lions?

When the medical community started doing irreversible surgeries on children — where were the lions?

When rushed and unproven vaccines were mandated — where were the lions?

When Epstein's child trafficking was made public and Ghislane Maxwell went to prison — where were the lions?

When drugs and terrorists started pouring across our Southern border — where were the lions?

When state legislators across the country started trafficking our natural resources — where were the lions?

When career criminals were released to offend again — where were the lions?

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I could go on. There are so many things that are just not understandable unless you factor in corruption, evil intent, financial gain, and just plain hunger for power. Most people want these issues addressed but only in a polite way. Politeness has gotten us here. We need lions to get to the bottom of so much.

I've advocated in Jefferson City for 10 years and have met some very nice people. I also know some disruptors. Disruptors see the corruption, greed, moral decline and want to stop it in its tracks. I'm voting for disruptors this year because I am very worried about our country and state. We have tried tolerance and compromise. It didn't work.

My top lions: Donald Trump for president — no one could have gone through what he has been through and still remained standing. Bill Eigel for governor — he has been in the state legislature long enough for everyone to realize he cannot be bought. Jacob Turner for state senator — he joined the Marines after high school graduation, and has continued to serve our community as a paramedic and firefighter. These men have already exhibited their toughness and their integrity. Their political stance is my political stance.

Just remember, when you are led by lions, your courage increases. And we need a courageous people right now. I'll close with the second verse from the same song:

I had another dream about lions at the door

They weren't half as frightening as they were before

But I'm thinking about eternity

Some kind of ecstasy got a hold of me

LINDA REUTZEL, 3011 Minutemen Way, Cape Girardeau, Mo 63701

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