opinionJuly 23, 2024
A concerned Cape Girardeau resident calls for stricter gun control and accountability amid rising gun violence, highlighting the devastating impact on families and communities.

As I am sitting here after once again another shooting has happened here in Cape Girardeau, I am disheartened and saddened that this continues to happen every single day and tears apart families friends and communities we live in.

As a concerned citizen of Cape Girardeau, we have to hold people accountable for their actions. As a survivor of domestic and firearms violence, I am truly disappointed that gun violence has ripped through our community. I am definitely concerned for our city.

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More than 120 Americans are shot and killed by guns everywhere and every single day. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for teens between the ages of 17 and 24. As a student at Southeast Missouri State University, I am truly praying for the family of the victim who tragically lost his life to senseless gun violence. We must ensure that those who are elected into office must do their best to provide the necessary decisions when looking at the bills and also make sure that background checks are more stringent so that domestic abusers and others are not able to access firearms.

Missouri as stated in everytown.org has some of the weakest gun laws in the country, resulting in the eighth highest rate of gun violence in the United States. In an average year, 1,351 people die by gun violence, and 2312 are wounded. Gun Violence costs Missouri $17.6 billion each year, of which $455.3 million is paid by taxpayers.


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