newsSeptember 11, 2024
The TTF7 committee reviewed over 600 pieces of public feedback from recent open-house meetings and an online survey. Key concerns included pothole maintenance and safety issues on Perryville Road.
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The Transportation Trust Fund 7 (TTF7) Committee met to consider points of public input on transportation needs in Cape Girardeau.

Chairman Jeff Maurer said at the Wednesday, Sept. 11, meeting that they received more than "600 lines" of raw data in a Excel file coming from the feedback. The committee held two open-house meetings Aug. 21 at the Osage Centre and Shawnee Park Center, and also hosted a survey online.

While some of the feedback was about current TTF projects that are being worked on or will be in the future, the committee also received other types of feedback.

Committee member Joe Uzoaru said much of the input he received was very "general". He said people cared more about the pothole that was patched "three times in the last five years."

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Uzoaru acknowledged some of these things would not fall under TTF but that was a primary concern he heard.

"That's why, when I spoke first, we need to concentrate on some maintenance this year, because we're still behind. We are, we're behind on and being vigilant on how this impacts all residents, not just certain ones, all residents," assistant city manager Trevor Pulley said.

Committee member Tamara Zellars Buck added that she had received questions surrounding why Perryville Road is no being completely redone.

"There are a couple of curves that are really bad, and especially when ice hits. I've seen multiple accidents from, you just can't stop. So even if it's patched, I don't think that addresses the problem," Buck said.

There are parts of Perryville Road that are listed to be worked on in the current TTF6 projects.

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