newsJanuary 30, 2015
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Missouri lawmakers and statewide elected officials will not get a raise next fiscal year after state senators successfully blocked a proposed pay increase Thursday. The House had voted overwhelmingly against the pay raises last week, but some Senate Democrats had filibustered Wednesday as a means of allowing the increase to take effect...
By SUMMER BALLENTINE ~ Associated Press
The flag of Missouri.
The flag of Missouri.

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Missouri lawmakers and statewide elected officials will not get a raise next fiscal year after state senators successfully blocked a proposed pay increase Thursday.

The House had voted overwhelmingly against the pay raises last week, but some Senate Democrats had filibustered Wednesday as a means of allowing the increase to take effect.

State Sen. Rob Schaaf of St. Joseph said Wednesday he didn't want to waste more time because Democrats had promised another filibuster. But Thursday, minority Senate Democrats backed down after Schaaf threatened a rare legislative procedure that would have clamped down another attempt at preventing a vote, and the raises died in a 31-3 vote.

The Republicans' show of power comes weeks into a legislative session marked by some of the party's largest majorities, which could make it easier for the GOP to push legislation through the chambers without needing concessions.

Republican Sen. Mike Kehoe, one of four Republicans and one Democrat who joined Schaaf in threatening to end a filibuster, said it's early in the session to be pulling a move more commonly used when compromise seems unlikely. But the Jefferson City lawmaker also criticized Democrats for attempting to prevent a vote, an effort typically used as leverage by the minority party.

"The people who really want the raise can decide to do the right thing and sit down and allow it to come to a vote," Kehoe said.

At issue was a proposal for $4,000 more a year over two years for lawmakers and an 8 percent raise for statewide officials in fiscal years 2016 and 2017. The governor, who is paid $133,821 a year, would make about $156,088 a year under those recommendations.

Critics had questioned taking more money when no plans are in place to raise state employee pay next year and because Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon has withheld about $700 million for other programs.

"It would be outrageous for me to stand here and say we should take a pay increase when we're not funding those things," Sen. Kurt Schaefer, a Columbia Republican, said before voting to forego a pay increase. He also joined Schaaf in his efforts.

The last time legislators and executive-branch officials got a raise was the 2009 fiscal year. The state constitution was amended in 1994 to relieve lawmakers of the politically sticky issue of setting their salaries, but some remarked even failing to stop an increase could reflect poorly on them.

Democratic senators Maria Chappelle-Nadal of University City, Minority Leader Joe Keaveny of St. Louis and Kiki Curls of Kansas City were the only ones who voted Thursday to allow the increase.

Chappelle-Nadal led efforts in support of higher pay and said the current $35,915 a year isn't enough to compensate lawmakers for their work. She raised concerns the pay might prevent potential low-income candidates from running for office.

But Chappelle-Nadal also said before the final vote the ability to work across the aisle and foster bipartisan debate was more important. She did not attempt to stall a vote again Thursday, the last day the Senate was scheduled to meet before the raises were set to take effect.

"I hope we can engage before an issue gets to this point," Chappelle-Nadal said.

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