newsNovember 20, 2014
DEXTER, Mo. --Following the open session of the school board Tuesday night, Dexter superintendent Thomas Sharp announced he would be stepping down as head of the district effective July 1. Sharp followed Dr. Ken Jackson in the superintendent's role, coming on scene in July 2010 from the Crawford School District in Bourbon, Missouri, but hailing from Nebraska...
Thomas Sharp
Thomas Sharp

DEXTER, Mo. --Following the open session of the school board Tuesday night, Dexter superintendent Thomas Sharp announced he would be stepping down as head of the district effective July 1.

Sharp followed Dr. Ken Jackson in the superintendent's role, coming on scene in July 2010 from the Crawford School District in Bourbon, Missouri, but hailing from Nebraska.

He took over the role amid some historic budget cuts to education and has faced several challenges in his four-year tenure. Among them was the adoption of new math and reading curricula in recent years, but also changes in student assessment and the creation of a new teacher evaluation instrument.

Another significant accomplishment during Sharp's administration was implementing extensive safety measures at every Dexter campus following the Sandy Hook, Connecticut, school tragedy. Measures included installing cameras and a "buzz in" system at each school entrance.

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Asked for his reason for leaving, Sharp said he planned to move closer to family in either Nebraska or Colorado, "unless God has other plans for me."

Sharp has 38 years in the education field, and said Tuesday that he would like to end his career as a writing teacher.

"God is calling me for a change, and I am excited to see what God would have me to do," he said.

School board president Kevin Bishop said he wishes Sharp the best in his future endeavors and said the district will open the top position to all applicants in a search that will begin soon.

"We have a very sound and passionate board that wants to see this district succeed," Bishop said. "I believe we have a great deal to offer to our next leader. Dr. Sharp is leaving this district in great shape financially; we have wonderful facilities and the very best educators."

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