featuresAugust 17, 2024
Missouri FCE members attended the 88th National Family and Community Education Conference in Erlanger, Kentucky, focusing on empowering volunteers. Local clubs discussed upcoming events community projects, and future meetings.
Pictured are Gloria Macomber, Judy Fullmer and Mary Klaproth.
Pictured are Gloria Macomber, Judy Fullmer and Mary Klaproth.Submitted

Missouri FCE

Missouri FCE members attended the 88th National Family and Community Education Conference Thursday through Sunday, July 25 through 28, in Erlanger, Kentucky. The theme of the conference was empowering volunteers treasure the present. Various workshops were held throughout the conference. Pictured are Gloria Macomber, Missouri State FCE Secretary, Judy Fullmer, National FCE president from Dighton, Kansas, and Mary Klaproth, Missouri State FCE president. The conference will again be held in Erlanger in July 2025.

Kage FCE

The Kage Family and Community Education Club met Thursday, August 8, at the Cape Girardeau Senior Center. Jobyna Daume called the meeting to order.

Judie Herbst read the devotion, a poem written by Mel Schmidt of Cape Girardeau, titled "Have You....Then." It was recently in the magazine section of the Southeast Missourian. It tells of the wonders that God has given to us for our enjoyment.

As we just voted in the primary election and move forward to the upcoming November election, we once again sang "God Bless America". Guidance is needed in the process.

Roll call was the varieties of apple; they will be ripening soon. Some examples Granny Smith, Jonathan, red and golden delicious, winesap and Fuji. Members are looking forward to apple butter, apple jelly, making apple pie and just munching on one.

The program was guest speakers to tell club members about the Big Brother/Big Sister Club of Cape Girardeau. The group was the idea of Charlie Herbst, Jason Crowell and Dave Courvoisier, assisted by many benevolent donors. Its purpose is to mentor young people and by doing so, help build confidence. This allows them to achieve better grades in school, deal with behavioral problems by building a trust relationship. Ashley described how the "matching" process is done, so that participants can share enjoyable pursuits, such as going to ballgames, movies or just "hanging out". Some of the Big Brothers, when have completed the program, follow up with helping their Little Brothers. The city of Cape Girardeau and it's young people are fortunate to have this organization.

Members thank Charlie and Ashley for coming and enlightening us as to the mission and accomplishments of their group. A donation of Dairy Queen gift certificates was presented for their distribution.

Next month's program will be presented by Daume on sugar and the project will be Alzheimer's Association.

The Cape Girardeau County Council Quarterly meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5 in the upper level of the Jackson University of Missouri Extension Center.

The Missouri FCE conference is Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 1 through 3, in Columbia.

The next Kage Club meeting will be at 1 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 19 at the CapeGirardeau Senior Center. This is one week later because several members are working at the SEMO District Fair which will be held Saturday through Saturday, Sept. 7 through 14.

Town & Country FCE

The Town and Country FCE club met Thursday, August 8 at the home of Brenda Pender. Pledges to the US flag, The State of Missouri flag and The National FCE Creed were recited by members in unison.

President Mary Klaproth opened the meeting by requesting roll call and minutes from the July meeting to be read by Sue Jones, secretary. Linda Thompson gave the treasurers report. Both reports were approved as read. Pennies were collected by Thompson for Rural Women in Action.

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Darlene McCain presented a word search game for members to complete. There was a three-way tie for the most words found.

Under old business it was announced that weighted blanket work day was held Thursday, July 18. Forty weighted blankets and 27 lap pads were assembled.

Under new business Klaproth reported on the 88th National FCE Conference she attended Thursday through Sunday, July 25 through 28 in Erlanger, Kentucky. FCE members from 10 states were in attendance. She announced the MAFCE Conference will be held Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 1 through 3 in Columbia. The deadline to pay the fee for the conference has been moved to Saturday, August 31.

The club furnished ice cream, toppings and soda to Cottonwood Treatment Center in Cape Girardeau on Wednesday, August 14 for a Back-to-School party.

It was stated that annual membership dues will remain the same as last year. Membership forms have not been mailed to the president at the present time. They are expected to be received in the near future.

The president thanked Donna Woolsey for tending the flower bed that the club sponsors at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Jackson.

The next Cape County Extension meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5 at the University of Missouri Extension Center. All club members are invited to attend.

The president announced that all club officers will remain in their current offices for the coming year of 2025, with the exception of Darlene McCain and Brenda Pender. McCain will assume the office of cards and flowers and Pender will assume the office of songs and games. Officers will be duly installed at the Christmas Party on Thursday, Dec. 12.

The program was given by McCain on” Know when to say no” regarding scams that are received by text or phone calls. Scams effect both males and females equally, but males tend to lose the most money.

Club out will be held at 5 p.m., Thursday, August 22 at Tractor’s in Jackson.

Members interested in attending the SEMO District Fair in September will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the Regional Library parking lot to carpool to the fair.

The hostess door prize was won by Woolsey.

The next club meeting will be hosted by Thompson at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12. Each club member will bring two bingo prizes to be given to the residents at the Lutheran Home in Cape Girardeau. The date and time to take the prizes will be announced at a later date.

The program will be given by Sue Jones on “Saving your food when the power is off” and “Three keys to emergency preparedness.”

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by the president.

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