featuresMay 30, 2024
A friend recently mentioned Charlie's Smokehouse, located at 5156 State Hwy. 34 in Burfordville, and piqued my curiosity. The next beautiful (yet scorching) Saturday afternoon I set my car stereo to radio mode and let the DJ at Mike FM choose my tunes. I quickly lost myself in car karaoke bliss, but halfway through Jackson, I began to have second thoughts. Exactly how far was this place? Was it in the "drop zone" where I lose cell service? I love my Toyota, but ever since the odometer hit 300k miles, the ability to summon roadside assistance has played a more significant role in choosing my destinations. ....
There's just nothing like a homemade slice of meatloaf to make you feel the love.
There's just nothing like a homemade slice of meatloaf to make you feel the love. Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

A friend recently mentioned Charlie's Smokehouse, located at 5156 State Hwy. 34 in Burfordville, and piqued my curiosity.

The next beautiful (yet scorching) Saturday afternoon I set my car stereo to radio mode and let the DJ at Mike FM choose my tunes. I quickly lost myself in car karaoke bliss, but halfway through Jackson, I began to have second thoughts. Exactly how far was this place? Was it in the "drop zone" where I lose cell service? I love my Toyota, but ever since the odometer hit 300k miles, the ability to summon roadside assistance has played a more significant role in choosing my destinations.

Shortly thereafter, I let out a sigh of relief as I spotted Charlie's Smokehouse up ahead. I don't know what I had been worried about. Charlie's turned out to be a relatively quick little drive.

If the no-frills decor was any indication, Charlie's was the kind of down-home roadside restaurant that gains a cult following by turning out superbly done meats. Should I slay a slab of ribs? Would I wax poetic about pulled pork? I checked in with some of the other patrons who confirmed my thoughts by recommending their favorites: pulled pork, pork steak and the cheeseburger.

Fried mushrooms dipped in ranch dressing with an ice-cold Coke are a great treat.
Fried mushrooms dipped in ranch dressing with an ice-cold Coke are a great treat.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

Just as anyone could have predicted, I took the road less traveled and ordered the meatloaf. Charlie's offers a daily special and that day it just happened to be meatloaf, one of my favorites, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I mean, I was already letting Mike FM control my music, why not let management decide my meal for the day? I spoke with one of the new owners who confirmed she "just felt like having" meatloaf that day so that's what she made. Simple enough.

While waiting for my food, I explored the cool little grocery/deli area toward the back of the building. Along with a purchase "by the pound" candy bucket, they had a case full of all the standard soft drinks along with one that caught my eye — Big Red. What? Did I just discover my grandpa's favorite good-old Texas staple Big Red in a BBQ joint on the outskirts of a little town in Missouri? I sure did. Unbelievable. The stars were pointing me toward some good BBQ ... but, I had already ordered the meatloaf.

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I returned to my table, and a few minutes later my fried mushroom appetizer and meal arrived. The meatloaf was the epitome of comfort food, and the rich meaty flavor validated my choice to go rogue. While the mashed potatoes were a bit too whipped for my liking, the green beans and fried mushrooms were both enjoyable.

Charlie's serves up breakfast at 5:30 a.m. and offers a full menu of affordable items the rest of the day.
Charlie's serves up breakfast at 5:30 a.m. and offers a full menu of affordable items the rest of the day.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo

The food was good, the prices were fantastically affordable, and service was great. What more could a girl want from a trip off the beaten path?

OK, maybe I was teeny tiny bit miffed at myself for not taking advantage of a perfectly unexpected opportunity to create a Texas-ish moment by noshing on pulled pork while swigging back a Big Red, but there's always next time. And, next time I won't be afraid of car problems because that country road driving clarity served up a very important lesson: Hallmark Movie moments always begin with car trouble on old country roads.

If you see me driving up and down Missouri Highway 34 in Burfordville with a pulled pork sandwich in hand, don't mind me (wink wink).

Mary Ann Castillo has more than 50 years of eating experience with no plans to stop.

At those prices, you should save some room for a dessert ... or two.
At those prices, you should save some room for a dessert ... or two.Submitted by Mary Ann Castillo
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